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Chafyn Grove
Chafyn Grove
Curiosity, Courage and Compassion...
Chafyn Grove is an independent day and boarding school of over 200 boys and girls, between the ages of three and thirteen. It is set on the edge of Salisbury in its own spacious grounds, with both the cathedral and the local countryside within walking distance. Chafyn children enjoy excellent facilities, first-class teaching and unrivalled opportunities.
“Chafyn Grove is made up of many parts, but is not wholly represented by any of them. The enjoyment of challenge, the exercise of compassion, results, facilities and food are each characterful aspects of our identity, but none of them are the entire story. “ Simon Head, Headmaster
Chafyn Grove School aims to provide an environment of enjoyable challenge. Too much challenge is stressful, too little is dull. In between exists the essence of a first class education, achieved by high quality relationships between staff and pupils and a breadth of opportunity. The latter aspect is a key component of our success: that each child discovers their strengths. We hope that all of our children will develop habits and attitudes which will serve them throughout their education, through school and life. As well as building on strengths, it is also healthy for our children to encounter areas of relative weakness, and learn from them too. Our provision sets out to exercise Curiosity, Courage and Compassion, enabling our children to explore all of their potential and develop it.
Our Nursery welcomes children from the age of three. The small group sizes and consistency of a fully qualified teacher-led environment enables children to attempt a range of enjoyable activities which include cookery, French, ICT, woodland adventures, swimming, messy play and mindfulness.
A distinctive quality of our Pre-prep is that while they have their own bespoke facilities, they also have full access to the rest of the school. Whilst the form tutor remains the primary teacher, specialists are used for Art, Music, Games, French and ICT - enabling a far greater range of experience.
The Prep school is comprised of Years Three to Eight (7 to 13 year olds). Each class has a form tutor. In Years 3 & 4, the tutor delivers a significant share of the timetable. From Year 5, children move around the school more to be taught by subject specialists for every lesson. The form tutor is the first port of call for any enquiry and a key part of our pastoral system.
Distinctively, there are no after school clubs. Instead these are embedded into Monday and Thursday afternoons, giving a better and longer time-slot for a range of over 60 activities, from bushcraft, cookery and sailing to Russian, sign-language and drone racing. These enable us to find something for every child: the confidence they enjoy here spreads into every area of school life. Equally importantly, they are fun! This injection of variety into the timetable boosts energy levels across the board.
“My three children skip into school daily, a testament to the genuinely caring staff who work tirelessly to create an excellent learning environment that rewards curiosity and kindness, and celebrates individual effort and achievement.” Current parent
Every day is an open day at Chafyn Grove School and we look forward to welcoming you into our school and giving you an individual tour tailored to you.
Contact our Registrar Claire Ward to find out more:
01722 333423